Showing off dynamic window resizing

I realized I haven’t posted it before, but actually the project has dynamic window resizing. I’ve had this feature for a long time (probably from the beginning of the project), but I don’t think I showed it before and it is not trivial to do.

Also, I had to add video support to the Hugo website/blog framework I am using so that it could show videos (the animated gifs were getting too big…).

Dynamic window resizing during execution

It ain't much but it's honest work.

Time spent for this Time spent so far
I don’t remember… 101 h

A propos de ce site

Ce site montre le travail que j’ai fait durant mon temps libre sur mon propre moteur de jeu et fourni des informations tel que:

  • Du contenu multimedia pour visualiser le progres fait au fur et a mesure
  • Une chronologie ainsi que la duree approximative de realisation des taches
  • Des commentaires supplementaires pour fournir du contexte sur ce qui a ete accompli